When you were a baby, were you cute and cuddly?
I know I was. (If you disagree, then you’ll be disagreeing with my mother. Believe me, disagreeing with my mother is very dangerous to your health.)
All babies are cute and cuddly.
Have you noticed? People go gaga over babies.
You know if there’s a baby in the room.
Because everyone, even the adults, become babies too.
In front of an infant, educated and cultured people say “Kookookookookoo, wawawawawa, mememememe, nanananana, yuyuyuyuyu…”
Females especially.
They’ll hold those toothless bundles of fat and go “Awwwww, he’s so cute!” 62 times before they pass the baby to another female. And the “awwwww’s” continue forever.
But face it.
No matter how cute those babies are, they’re pure, unadulterated, complete 100% narcissists. It’s true! These tiny creatures are totally selfish, self-centered, and self-absorbed.
In their little worlds, others don’t matter.
Only “what I want” matters.
Everything is about “me”.
A baby’s life revolves around five things and five things only. “I want to eat. I want to burp. I want to sleep. I want to pee. I want to poo.” If a baby doesn’t get any of these five things, he declares World War III.
And if he wants any of these five things, he doesn’t care what you’re doing. You don’t exist. You’re there to serve his five needs. The baby doesn’t care if you’re sleeping, or you’re resting, or you’re sick, or you’re depressed, or you’re on the phone talking to the President, or you’re in the brink of solving the problems of the world. Babies don’t care.
Through his endless crying, the cute baby says, “I don’t care about you. I don’t care about your world. I don’t care about what you feel. I don’t care about what you think. I don’t care about your existence. You exist to meet my needs. You serve me. And you serve me now!”
But thankfully, babies grow up.
At least, some of them do. (Hehe.)
Soon, babies learn to talk, to walk, and to grow up. And one of the things they outgrow is their narcissism.
Human beings soon realize that others exist. That others matter. That happiness depends on living for something bigger than themselves.
But sadly, some babies don’t outgrow their narcissism.
They grew physically. But deep inside, they’re still babies. Selfish, self-centered, and self-absorbed.
They’re really “babies disguised as adults”.
That is why, there are people who wake up one day in their old age with a deep, nagging, haunting emptiness within them.
Where does this emptiness come from?
From living a small life.
You Were Born For Greatness
Last month, I bought a powerful laptop.
For computer geeks, you’ll understand this: It runs on 2.66 Ghz core 2 duo with a 4 GB memory. What does that mean? It’s fast. It has muscle. It’s the most powerful computer I’ve ever owned in my entire life.
In my hands, my laptop produces 80 articles a month, feeds 30 websites, writes 4 books a year, runs 12 businesses and 9 non-profit organizations.
But let’s say I do something insane: Imagine if I give my laptop to my 5-year-old son Francis. Obviously, I’ll never do that. But imagine that aliens zapped my brain and I say, “Francis, this is your computer.”
Francis says, “Yipee!”
And all he does with his laptop is play Plants vs. Zombies.
For the next three years of the life of the computer, all he did was plant peas to shoot down walking zombies with a tin can on their heads. (It’s a crazy game.)
Imagine you’re the computer. (And imagine computers had feelings.) How would you feel?
You’ve got all this giga juice in you—and it’s never used.
You’re so powerful, you can create entire movies from scratch. You can record music albums in a snap. You can design a thousand websites. You can write a thousand computer programs.
But what do you do?
Run a silly game of funny-looking plants and funny-looking zombies. What a waste of gigabytes and gigahertz.
Friend, if you live small, you’ll be exactly like that computer.
You were born for greatness.
You have a destiny to fulfill.
You were born for a mission so great, it’ll blow you away.
God created you to bless the world!
God created you to inspire, to serve, to care, to live and die for others. God created you to sacrifice yourself for something bigger than yourself.
If you won’t fulfill your destiny, you’ll always feel empty.
Let me tell you about some friends who followed their destiny.
Jodean Sola:
Former Streetkid
Now Serving Other Streetkids
I met Jodean Sola 26 years ago.
Once upon a time, he lived on the streets.
He experienced poverty first hand.
He later became a seaman—but lived a life of drugs, drunkenness, womanizing, and selfishness.
But one day, he got sick.
I still remember the day the first time he walked into the Light of Jesus prayer meeting. This burly guy said, “Please help me. I’m being cursed by a witch.” He said he was in constant pain. “But doctors said there’s nothing wrong with me,” he said.
“That’s easy to cure,” I smiled. We prayed together and instantly, his pain vanished.
That day, Jodean gave his life to God.
He became a fulltime missionary. For many years, he led many single men to love God.
But his greatest joy was serving the poor.
Jodean was part of the original team that started Anawim.
Together in the team was another volunteer, a young woman named Ardis Abrogar.
Ardis came from a well-to-do family. But she left a highly-paid job and her comfortable house to live in a grass hut and serve God in Anawim.
Love blossomed between Jodean and Ardis. They got married. As usual, I became Ninong (Godfather).
It was also at this time that God called Jodean to minister to street children. He began feeding street kids every week and soon after, He Cares Foundation was born.
Today, 14 years later, he sends 200+ streetkids to school and he feeds 300+ streetkids every week.
He also created a micro-lending program in 6 slum areas, run various livelihood projects, and built a 200+ housing village.
Jodean isn’t living small.
Jodean lives for something bigger than himself.
Maybe you’re like Jodean.
Maybe you’re suffering from poverty right now.
Or maybe you’re suffering from a trial this moment.
God doesn’t want you to remain where you are.
Your poverty is temporary.
Your problem is temporary.
Your difficult experience today will be the source of your compassion when you help others tomorrow.
Your destiny is to free others from that poverty.
Your destiny is to help others who have the same problem you’re facing now.
Rey Ortega:
P20 Sent Hundreds Of Poor Kids To School
Rey Ortega was a regular chap.
Married with three kids and working in a company.
His life was as normal as can be. Went to work, came home, ate dinner, read the papers, watched TV, went to bed. Repeat sequence forever.
But in 1979, his life took a dramatic turn.
One day, he was having breakfast with 4 friends.
While reading the newspaper, his eye caught an article about 200,000 out-of-school streetkids in Metro Manila.
The figure blew his mind. 200,000 kids on the streets?
He told his 4 friends about it and pulled out his wallet. “Look, I have an extra P20 here. We may not be able to help 200,000 streetkids, but if we chip in, we can send at least one of these kids back to school.”
That year, Rey and his friends sent one poor child to school.
The following year, they sent another one. And another. And another. And he has not stopped ever since.
So far, Rey has produced 85 college graduates.
This year alone, he’s sending 104 poor children to school.
As if this wasn’t enough, two years ago, Rey built Tahanan ng Pagmamahal orphanage.
He saw kids roaming on the streets. He wanted to give them a home. So he and his wife opened their own home to 10 orphans! Thankfully, they now have a separate house for the orphanage. They now care for 17 orphans.
And last year, Rey built Grace To Be Born, a ministry for pregnant women in crisis. In one year, Grace center has been able to save 24 babies from abortion.
Rey doesn’t only give his time. Very often, whenever the ministry needs more money, Rey digs from his own pocket and gives away millions to God’s work.
Rey is not living a small life.
Rey is living for something bigger than himself.
Maybe you’re like Rey.
You’re living a normal life. Going to work everyday. Coming home every night. Watching TV during weekends. You’re wondering, “Is there more to life than this?”
Yes, there is. God has a big plan for your life.
He wants you to get out of your comfort zone, get into your courage zone, and love with all your heart.
But you have to say yes to God’s big plan!
Saree Malabanan:
Angel Dentist To The Poor
In case you’re thinking that you need to be a missionary like Jodean or an organizer like Rey to do something for God, let me tell you about Saree Malabanan.
Saree is my dentist.
But I must tell you that she is one of the most gentle, kindest, warmest people I know.
To me, Saree is like an angel.
Because she is so angelic, when she pulls your tooth, you’ll be embarrassed to scream.
She and her husband Rolly (also a dentist) have been in Light of Jesus for many years now. (They serve at our Binan Feast led by Jon Escoto.)
In her very simple clinic, she’d serve the poor with joy, not charging a single centavo. Her husband’s clinic is in Calamba, and he’ll do the same thing. Many times, his poor patients will give him talong, repolyo, and patola as payment. And he’d be happy.
Saree and Rolly live in a small home in Laguna.
I’ve been there many times. Whenever I visit, I look at their small house and their simple furniture. And I tell myself—if Saree and Rolly served only paying patients, I’m sure they’ll be living in a really big house now.
But not them.
They’ve decided to live for their mission.
And they’re very happy.
Saree and Rolly are not living a small life.
Saree and Rolly are living for something bigger than themselves.
Maybe you’re like Saree.
Through your job, you meet a lot of people everyday.
Let those encounters be your ministry.
Let them encounter an angel in you.
Show them God’s Love.
Buddy Tan:
God’s Trucker
Buddy Tan owns his own trucking company.
He runs a fleet of trucks and has 70 drivers working for him.
It would have been easy for Buddy to just treat this entire thing as a business—just to earn as much money as he can.
But that’s not Buddy.
I’ve known Buddy for years now and he loves God.
Every Sunday, Buddy gathers his 70 drivers and their families for a prayer meeting. How does he do that? He doesn’t accept any job contracts on Sunday morning—so his drivers could have this prayer meeting.
Every Sunday, they have Mass, worship, catechism, and even free lunch—all paid by Buddy himself.
And God has blessed him.
For the past three years, his trucking company has been voted “Trucker of the Year”—for the past 3 consecutive years! People are wondering why his drivers are so good. If you ask Buddy, he’ll say it’s because of their weekly prayer meetings.
If you ask me, it’s because Buddy loves his truckers and their families. And they love him in return.
Buddy isn’t living a small life.
Buddy is living for something bigger than himself.
Do you want to be wealthy?
Do you want to own a business?
Pursue your dream!
God will bless the work of your hands.
He will prosper you.
But remember to own your wealth, and not let your wealth own you. That in your heart, people come first before things. That’s what my friend Buddy did.
Don’t be wealthy alone.
It’s no fun.
Be wealthy, yes.
And make others wealthy too.
Eva Trabaho:
No Trial Can Stop Her From Serving God
Eva has four children.
Three of them have autism.
Why? I don’t know.
I’m sure Eva has asked God many times, “God, why me? Why three? What have I done to deserve this?”
But instead of sulking, complaining, grumbling, and living in the prison of her anger, she’s risen above her trials. Instead of living a small life, she’s given her life to loving her children.
Not only that, but for 20 years now, Eva and her husband Tacs have been serving in the music ministry. (Today, they lead the music ministry in our Taytay Feast under the leadership of Pio Espanol.)
Everytime I talk to Tacs and Eva, they’re always smiling, always joking, always laughing.
They bless me so much!
Tacs and Eva are not living a small life.
Tacs and Eva are living for something bigger than themselves.
Perhaps you’re like Eva.
You’re facing a big trial right now.
You feel that life hasn’t been fair to you.
But your problems don’t change the fact that God is calling you to serve Him amidst your problems.
Don’t make your problems an excuse for not serving, not loving, not giving, not dying to yourself so that others may live.
And when you do, here’s the big promise: You’ll experience God’s miracles in your life. Like Eva, you’ll have deep joy no matter what happens in your life.
And one final hero—an entire family…
The Relova Family:
Sharing God’s Love Year After Year After Year…
Twenty five years ago, Al and Eva Relova came into our Light of Jesus prayer meeting. They brought with them their small children. One was nine years old. The other was eleven. Sometimes, they would sit at the lap of their parents. And both of them learned to love God at that young age.
Soon, they were the ones bugging their parents to bring them to the prayer meeting.
That was twenty-five years ago.
Today, the entire family continues to serve God in the Makati Feast. (That’s why the Makati Feast is sometimes nicknamed the “Relova Feast.”)
Al and Eva take care of the administration, supporting their Feast builder, Randy Borromeo.
That 11-year old boy was Toh Relova. He now leads worship at the Makati Feast. That 9-year old girl was Mara Relova. She regular speaks in the Training Ministry. Their younger sister is Lizzy Relova who is in the leadership team of the Makati Feast.
The Relova family is not living a small life.
The Relova family is living for something bigger than themselves.
Perhaps your family isn’t this united.
Perhaps some of your family members are far from God.
Friend, God has a plan to bless your family.
He wants to use your family.
Give your yes to God.
Surrender your family to the Lord.
He is working in their lives now.
A day will come when your entire family will serve God.
The Prayer Of Jabez
I could talk for the next 12 hours.
And tell you about hundreds of other friends like Jodean, Rey, Saree, Buddy, Eva, and the Relova family.
Remember the prayer of Jabez?
It says, Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!
I want you to pray that prayer everyday.
Don’t live a small life.
Don’t live a selfish life.
Expand your influence.
Expand your wealth.
Expand your wisdom.
Expand your resources.
Expand your skills.
And most importantly, expand your purpose in life.
Someone said, There are two great moments in a person’s life: the first is when you were born; the second is when you discover why you were born.
You were born for greatness.
Friend, fulfill your destiny.
It really requires one thing only…
Give Your All
One day, a boy left home withhis baon tucked in his shirt.
I bet his mother knew he was going to be away for the day. Because he was going listen to Jesus. Thus, the food.
But alas, when Jesus spoke, there were five thousand guys there—and none of them brought their baon. (Typical men, right?)
And there was a commotion.
Because Jesus wanted to feed all of them.
The apostles began to walk around the crowd and asked, “Who brought food? Can you share your food to others?”
That was when the boy stood up and lifted up his pouch.
He offered his baon to feed the hungry.
Andrew the apostle said, “There is a boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two fish. But they will certainly not be enough for all these people.” (John 6:8-9)
But Jesus proved him wrong.
It was enough!
He multiplied his bread and fed them all.
You’re like that little boy.
You only have a little piece of bread in your pouch.
It’s for you. Only.
But you’re tired of small living.
You want to live for something bigger than yourself.
So you offer your little bread to God.
And the miracle happens: Your wealth will never be enough for you. (Because human desire is insatiable.) But if you offer your wealth to God, it will be enough for the world.
God will multiply the little that you have.
Friend, your destiny awaits.
Say yes to God.
My Invitation: Build 1000 Feasts
My little group, Light of Jesus, has a mission.
We dream of building 1000 Feasts all over the world.
Each of them numbering between 200 to 2000 people.
Each of them a happy spiritual family that will show God’s loving face to a new generation.
I’m giving my entire life to make this dream happen.
I’m betting everything I’ve got. I’m putting myself on the line. I’m sacrificing my life for this mission.
I invite you to do the same, whatever mission God has given to you. (If you feel called by God to help me in my mission, I’m personally inviting you to partner with me. You can do two things. You can join any of our Feasts. Click here for details. Or if you live faraway, you can be part of our online and virtual community at KerygmaFamily. To join, log on at www.KerygmaFamily.com now.)
Sacrifice your life for God!
Forget yourself.
Go all out.
Live for something bigger than yourself.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Mentors May Be Your Missing Link To Success. Meet the men who helped me to create my multiple-income streams. My mentors and I will give an intensive, power-packed, two-day Financial Coaching Program. You’ll learn how to invest in the Stock Market, Mutual Funds, Real Estate, and Business. Join me on June 18 to 19 in Pasig. For more information, click here now!
PS2. Do you want to earn through the internet? My internet guru, Jomar Hilario, is giving a 2-day hands-on Internet Marketing Workshop on June 25 to 26. For 2 days, you’ll be in front of a computer, working on your new income stream, under the guidance of Jomar Hilario. For details, click here now!
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